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Deal ends Aug 28.
SOLID QUALITY: The X-Chef Kitchen Trash Can is made from a combination of Stainless Steel & Cast Iron, ensures long lasting durability. The sturdy handle makes it easy for lifting and emptifying.
SUITABLE SIZE: The X-Chef Kitchen Compost bin is sized 1.2 gallon,good size for fruits, vegetable, leftover waste, fits easily on most countertops and inner plastic bags. A great choice for modern kitchen.
ODORLESS: An airtight seal lid and a odor reducing filter to help prevent nasty smells, leaving your kitchen a pleasant place to stay.
ONE-PIECE MOLDED,NON-LEAGKAGE:This X-Chef kitchen compost pail is molded in one piece to prevent from liquid leakage at the weld points like some old fashion ones.
WARRANTY: We commit 100% satisfaction. Any issue of the product please feel free to contact us, we are always here for you!