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Deal ends Aug 13.
Obtain accurate temperature readings within 4-7 seconds on all kinds of foods. Beef, turkey, chicken, baking, barbecue, candy. You name it!
Cook safely! Foldable probe allows for safe storage in drawer or pocket when not in use. Expands out to 11 inches to provide safe distance when taking temperature of extremely hot items.
Always get the temperature just right! Contains high precision temperature sensor, accurate to ±1ºF (between -58ºF to 575ºF), ensures you can grill meat to your perfect doneness knowing it won't be under cooked or burnt. You won't get this level of accuracy with other thermometers!
Includes AAA battery so that thermometer is ready for immediate use! No need to go searching for rare watch batteries to power your thermometer again.
Buy with absolute confidence thanks to our 1 year, 100% money back guarantee along with responsive customer service. We are a small business based out of sunny California and love our customers! Look at our reviews to see all of our satisfied purchasers!