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Deal ends Aug 12.
DISPOSABLE BED BUGS INDICATOR TEST: Simply designed glue trap to detect bed bugs, by placing the trap under the bed legs, any bug trying to climb up your bed will get stuck to the glue.
SCENTLESS AND TOXIC FREE REPELLENT: The glue used on this trap is scentless and toxic free, leaving your house free of toxins and poison.
SQUARE CUT: The square shape of this trap allows the user to place it under furniture against the wall, without having to make any changes to the layout.
SUPER THIN BED BUGS TRAPS: The trap is only 1/8" thick, placing under any furniture will not cause any discomfort to the user.
CAN BE USED: Under beds, couches, sofas, recliners, chairs, mattresses, mattress or anywhere you suspect the bed bugs may be nesting.