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Deal ends Aug 15.
The desktop surge protector with USB charging and tablet stand provides an organized power and USB charging station for up to six devices; The outlet strip eliminates the need for proprietary wall chargers and re-charge faster than a computer USB port
The surge suppressor with 4 USB charging ports features a total of 4.8 amps current (2.4A + 2.4A); Four dedicated USB charging ports for fast charging are located the side so they aren't blocked by the AC outlets
Roomy smartphone or tablet stand slot has rubberized inserts for protecting device screens; Sturdy base supports a tablet or smartphone in any orientation to allow charging while in use; It converts any single grounded AC outlet into a centralized charging station for a tidy and clutter-free desktop area
Reliable power surge protection combines a 540 joules suppression rating, low clamping voltage, advanced X3 MOV safety shutdown technology, and EMI/RFI noise reduction to power and protect all connected devices; Diagnostic Grounded and Protected green LEDs verify surge protection status at a glance
power strip with a diagnostic green Protected LED verifies surge protection status at a glance; 6 foot power cord will reach behind a cabinet or desk