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IMPROVES AIR QUALITY by Freshening the Air Preventing Dry Skin, Itchy Eyes, Dry Sinuses and Chapped Lips.
ORDER NOW! WORRY FREE! We offer a BETTER than money back guarantee, if there is an issue with your product for any reason we will REFUND you and SEND YOU A NEW ONE. Great feedback - Check out our VERIFIED Customer Reviews.
PORTABLE - We Call him the Alien as his head is a Night Light and We have Become so Attached we take him Everywhere! Perfect for Popping in your Bag when Travelling. The Leakproof Design means you can Use him on the Go can be taken in the Car, Hotel Bedroom, Office, Rental Home, or Spa. The USB cable can be plugged in to your Lap Top or an Adaptor.
EASY TO USE. Simply Twist the Alien Head Off anticlockwise. Fill the Tank with Water. Add Essential Oil if you desire. Replace the Head Clockwise until it Clicks. This seals the Alien. No spills or Breaks if Knocked over.
IMPROVES WELLBEING by Adding a Few Drops of Essential Oil. We Recommend Lavender to Reduce Stress and Improve Concentration. Tea Tree acts as an Antiseptic. Peppermint Helps Mental Alertness. Eucalyptus Is Great for a Head Cold and Hayfever.