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Deal ends Aug 20.
iPhone 6/6S case for you: Refined, functional, and practical, the Verge series case fully complements the iPhone 6 and lets its natural beauty shine unhindered
Full Degree of Protection: Covers all 4 corners and includes raised edges and a TPU lip to keep the screen from scratching or touching the ground.
Snug Fit: Engineered to emphasize thinness without compromising phone security. Precise cutouts give you access to all ports, and sensitive button covers allow responsive presses.
Impact-Resistant Dual Layers: Constructed from high-grade TPU and polycarbonate, a soft, rubbery inside layer cushions the iPhone 6/6S from drops, while the hard, tough, outer layer encases it to shield from more serious collisions.
Brushed-Metal Look: Gives off a premium vibe without compromising signal quality. Available in multiple colors for electronics enthusiasts of all stripes. Phone NOT INCLUDED!