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Deal ends Aug 22.
850 Lumen T6 Cree Super Bright Front light:Zacro LED high bright light bike set makes you see and being seen easily in darkness
3 Adjustable Light Modes :High Beam, Low Beam, Strobe ; You can transfer you light modes per your demand and the environment arounding you
Easily,but Firmly Mounting: Easily mount without tools, 360°moving. you can set light to anywhere that you want
USB Rechargeable Front Light: USB charging battery helps you esacping from battery:changing,you can also power it with power bank especially when you r riding outside
Aluminium alloy material Water Resistent : Zacro bike is made of aluminium alloy, that makes it being free of breaking and watering.Given that, Zacro bike set sill is avaliable in drizzle weather