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Deal ends Aug 24.
LOTS of variety: This Food Chopper features sharp stainless steel blades for fast and even chopping/mincing, removable lid arm to roll easily. Besides, it has lots of other function including food dehydrating and drying, Egg beater, egg white separator, juicing, squeezed lemon juice and more.
Easy to use and clean: Simply place ingredients in the container, turn left to lock the lid, roll the removable lid arm to spin the chopping blades by hand. Cut the vegetables and fruits quickly and easily by the different blade inserting. After use simply rinse under running water to clean. Dishwasher safe.
Save time and conveniences: Slash your food preparation time. The compact size, and nesting parts allows this powerful tool to slip easily into any cupboard in your kitchen.
Premium quality & safety: Security guarantee After SGS testing qualified, metal and plastic materials safety, non-toxic, in full compliance with EU standards.