Ends in 05h 01m 46s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $17.87 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. This item ORBLUE Propresser Stainless Steel Kitchen Garlic Press FREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE Shipping Amazon.com Amazon.com Amazon.com Amazon.com Metal Black Black Silver Gray NoColor It does fine as far as pressing garlic. I didn't realize it's as if the thing is three parts and I find that a bit annoying. It is without a doubt the best garlic press I have ever used. I had stopped using garlic presses because all I ever used to get was a little bit of usable minced garlic and the... THIS PRESS IS THE VERY BEST I HAVE EVER ORDERED AND IT CLEANS SO EASILY AFTER DOING A GREAT JOB. THANKS FOR A GREAT PRODUCT. Very prompt shipping. Great product I use this solely for pressing garlic cloves. It does that fine but garlic gets trapped inside the press in the corners where metal meets metal. The ORBLUE garlic press is solidly made and easy to compress. A must-have for every kitchen. I've owned my share of garlic presses over the years, most of them sadly disappointing. I was excited by the idea of not having to peel the garlic but didn't hold out much hope... The Orblue garlic press is beautifully manufactured and works perfectly. The garlic never touches your hands and is pressed and ready to use effortlessly. We couldn't be happier. Pain to clean, and sticks together for big jobs of multiple presses. OXO is so much better, there really is no comparison. Threw it in the trash!!! Just tried the one I got yesterday. Very convenient. Much better than the old one from another brand. Highly recommended.
Deal ends May 15.
Easy to clean hand presser won't rust, bend, break or weaken at the joint even after frequent use.
Easy-to-use handles are precision-engineered, providing optimal leverage with minimal effort.
Extra-large reservoir box lets you crush several cloves at once to help reduce preparation time.
Multi-purpose tool also lets you produce freshly pressed ginger with a squeeze of the handles.
Includes easy-to-use rocker/peeler that quickly removes peel in a single motion - Dishwasher-safe.