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1. BOYON Eye protection lamp: This BOYON lamp emits light from 18 low degradation LED SMD chips which can avoid visual fatigue caused by light flashing. It can also offer a temperature that is perfectly suited to protect eyes from strain.
2. Eco-friendly and high energy saving Battery: With Non-toxic silicon material, it is suitable for kids, adults, and senior and Once fully charged, this lamp will last several hours, even at full brightness.
3. Stepless Adjustable Brightness: The LED brightness is adjustable by pressing switch for seconds and retains the last brightness setting-even after you turn it off. Therefore, it is easy for every one to use it.
4. Small and stable Compact size: The silicon rubber suction base grips to most flat surfaces for stability, versatility and placement. It is very compact and therefore easy to slide in your travel bag or suitcase. 360 Degree Adjustment: the totally flexible gooseneck rotates and adjusts to just about any angle.
5. Excellent customer service: If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly. No question is too small and our goal is for you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase.