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Deal ends Aug 29.
WaveFlow Cooling Gel is specifically formulated to absorb ambient temperature which equalizes excess body heat to maintain an optimal sleeping temperature throughout the night
Molded Memory Foam is durable and built into a medium-soft density to conform seamlessly to the natural curves of the head, neck and shoulders
COOLMAX® Cover is removable, washable and embedded with moisture-wicking properties in order to provide a cleaner, fresher experience
Pressure-sensitive memory foam is super responsive and adjusts gently to every movement in order to keep the spine correctly aligned throughout the night. Materials are hypoallergenic and moisture-wicking
ViscoSoft Guarantee: In order to provide a premium sleep experience, if any of the ViscoSoft products provide anything short of absolute satisfaction they can be returned within 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked (Guaranteed against manufacturer's defects for up to 3 years after purchase date)