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Deal ends Aug 27.
ORGANIZED PACKAGING: Comes with a handy six compartment storage bin, which has a resealable fitted lid. This clear acrylic unit is perfect for keeping everything in its place.
RAINBOW OF COLORS: These decorative pushpins come in six bright and fun colors: Lime Green, Teal, Eggplant, Fuchsia, Yellow, and Orange, so you can organize your work boards!
DURABLE & WELL MADE: Made with premium quality materials our delightful push pins are created to withstand many years of use. They are made of stainless steel and hard plastic.
SHARP TIP: Office Style Pushpins are equipped with a specially designed thick tip & sharp end, making them easy to use on all kinds of cork and cloth boards, as well as walls.
MULTIPURPOSE: Its portable compartment make it great for office work, school work, art projects, vision boards, & all kinds of visual projects that may need color-coded organization.