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Deal ends Sep 03.
SUPER FAST THERMOMETER: Instant digital readout within 5 seconds, ºF/ºC switchable, Auto On-off and HOLD feature, large LCD display. Easy to carry and store in your kitchen drawer. Perfect for Kitchen.
FOLDABLE PROBE DESIGN: Convenient foldable probe design works as Auto ON and OFF and folds away easily and locks into base when not in use for portability and storage.
LONG STAINLESS PROBE: 3.5" stainless steel probe that extends to a total length of 9" for ease of use, thus keeping your hands away from the heat when cooking at the grill or in the oven.
EASY TO USE: Simply Open the probe and insert the probe a couple of centimeter into your food and wait for the internal temperature to be displayed on the LCD screen. Press HOLD button to capture temperature for easy reading.
MULTIPLE USES: Accurate temperature measurement perfect for meat, grilling, frying, barbecuing, jelly, food,cooking, and baking, as well as home brewing.