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Deal ends Sep 04.
ACCURACY: Measure jewelry, medicine, and cooking ingredients with refined accuracy 0.1g / 0.01 oz, up to a weight range of 2000g / 70.55 oz; Blue backlit LCD display
DIVERSE FUNCTIONALITY: Quickly convert measurement results between g, oz, tl, ct, and gn. Handy grain measurement for postage,cooking, hunting, and jewelry
FUNCTIONS - POWER/MODE/TARE/PCS four single operate buttons to avoid your mistake operate or the button not sensitive,the PCS gives you an accurate count,the TARE will provide a net weight and the MODE helps you choose the proper unit
SMART INDICATION: Alerts users for low battery power, overload, and uneven surface placement
100% new with Unconditional 30-days money-back guarantee and 1 year warranty