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Deal ends Aug 24.
This Set is made for a 20oz tumbler it Includes a Klaw Grip Handle and Yeti Lid. The Klaw is Designed, Engineered and Tested in USA and Made from High Quality, BPA Free, Food Grade Materials, Adhering to ATSM Standards and Backed by a Full Warranty and Guarantee.
Don't Let your YETI® Slip Away! Convert your YETI Rambler Tumbler into a Mug with the KLAW GripTM Handle.
Tame your YETI Tumbler (and many other 20 oz)and Avoid those Abominable Spills, Messes and Damage from Slippery Hands.
Comfortable Handle Firmly Grips your Tumbler at any Angle, Even Upside Down, yet is Easily Removable.
Unlike Others on the Market, ours is a Torture Tested, Virtually Unbreakable, Lightweight Design that is Engineered to Fit XS-XXXL Hands, in Multiple Positions. Designed to Fit in Most Standard Cup Holders yet Offers a Full Size Handle for Maximum Comfort, and fitting the Largest Hands. Not fully dishwasher safe.