• Amazon offers Acrylic Magnetic Frame for $14.99 $11.99.
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  • MAKES YOUR PICTURES POP: Puts the focus on the picture, not the frame. A 4x6 picture will go to its edges, and a smaller picture will leave a border for a floating effect. These double sided frames are great for displaying post cards, ticket stubs, trading cards, currency, money, awards and more. DESKTOP ONLY, CANNOT HANG.
  • CHANGE PICTURES EASILY: Slide the blocks apart to change your picture - it's never been easier to change and update a picture.
  • SOLID, STABLE AND SUPER CLEAR: With a nearly 1 inch thick (0.95 inch / 24 mm) frame, 20% thicker than some other frames, we designed the frame to be solid and stable in both portrait and landscape orientation. And we used four small and strong magnets to securely hold the super-clear acrylic blocks together.
  • PACKAGED FOR SAFE DELIVERY: We custom designed the gift box with a foam insert to prevent damage during shipment. We want to make sure the frame arrives safely, without scratches and without any other damage, regardless of how your delivery person handles the package.
  • 100% GUARANTEE: If you don't think that this is the absolute best acrylic magnetic frame available on Amazon, simply ask Amazon for a complete and full refund with just one click. Get your money back directly from Amazon - no questions asked.

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