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Deal ends Aug 15.
ENJOY OUTDOORS with no fear of the nasty bites. Make your surroundings mosquitoes free. Protect yourself and your family. Use the bracelet indoor and outdoor .
ALL NATURAL PROTECTION, DEET Free, No mess, made from 100 % essential oils of Peppermint, Lavender, Geranium, and Citronella.
FAST, SIMPLE and EASY Refill: Comes with 6 free refills 90 days of protection, when it's time to for a new one , just remove and replace.
FITS ALL SIZES: adjustable strap allows for bracelet to fit kids and adults. Comfortable design
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: guaranteed to work or your money back,. If you are not satisfied for any reason within 30 days contact Amazon for a full refund, no questions ask. Click ADD TO CART to order your bracelets now!!! Be protected from mosquitoes.