Ends in 01h 39m 53s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $16.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. Very good I swim frequently because of my bad back. I wanted to get inexpensive goggles that functioned well. These work really well and are very comfortable. These goggles make me look cool, love the way they fit me. These goggles don’t move at all, they always stay in place while swimming, which is a great benefit for me. I got the cap on Monday and I tried it out in the pool today. It's the best cap I have ever used!!!! I am glad i purchased this swim cap. Love how comfortable i am while wearing this swim caps, how it protect my hair from all the chlorine there is. It's true, these are GREAT! Unlike other goggles, they don't give me headaches, and they really didn't ever fog up! These goggles are great, so good my daughter and husband also bought a pair after using mine! No leaks at all, love them!! It was nice having all of the items in one box. The kids like the well enough, too. My daughter uses this for her practice, very good quality and fit for her long hair. Great product!!!
Deal ends May 18.
☑Humanized Design--- No Leaking. Super-soft silicone frame and nose bridge. Ergonomically designed to protect your skin and feel natural to wear even after hours of swimming.
☑Effective---UV protection and Anti-Fog. The inner surfaces of the lenses are anti-fog coating, enhance the clear of view.
☑Convenient---Detachable plastic clasp and Adjustable head-strap. Suitable for Men, Women, Youth, kids and Child.
☑Silicone Swim Cap---Lightweight, latex-free silicone provides durable performance and optimum fit without snagging hair.
☑Ample size allows long hair to be tucked inside without compromising a smooth fit. ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS HAVE 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE!