• Amazon offers Smart Plug, HAUSBELL 701U Wi-Fi Plug Control your Devices from Anywhere, No Hub Required,Works with Amazon Alexa, UL Listed for Android IOS with Timing Function for $39.99 $31.99.
  • Ends in 04h 47m 48s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . This item Smart Plug, 2 pack HAUSBELL 701U Wi-Fi Plug Control your Devices from Anywhere, No Hub Required,Works with Amazon Alexa, UL Listed for Android IOS with Timing Function FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping Amazon.com White White White two pack Wi-Fi Wi-Fi wi-fi 2.4Ghz Wireless, IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi) wi-fi wi-fi 1.57 x 1.49 x 2.61 in 2 x 4 x 5 in 2.5 x 2.2 x 4.3 in Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini (2-Pack) Modern Modern NEO wifi smart plug (2 pack) I would give them four and a half stars because once in a while they don't work and I have to reinstall them on the Alexa app. the Jinvoo app on my nexus 7 sees the plugs. the Jinvoo app can turn plugs on and off. Amazon Alexa app loads the Jinvoo skill and recognizes the plugs. Hands down awesome, super easy to set up in 2 min, im ordering more I bought these to use with the Amazon Echo. I was able to pair them with little trouble and they worked fine for a few weeks. Bought these because they were cheaper than the TP links. They work perfectly with my Alexa and the were easier to install than the to link brand. Hands down one of the best things I have gotten! You can control you room lights with your phone! It takes a day or 2 to get used to turning lights on and off on your phone but it... This work great. I have one on a lamp and the other on the TV. I ask Alexa to turn them off and on. Easy! Control app requires permission to make phone calls and know phone's location. Absolutely no reason an electric plug manufacturer needs to know my location and to use my phone. The plugs are a great idea and when I first got them it worked great. The problem is the app. The app sucks!!!! I downloaded the app. Entered my number. Got the text. I entered the text on the app, and the confirm button would not register. I tried the email.
  • Deal ends May 22.

  • Smart and easier life you can now walk into a brightly lit home after work with your favorite song playing and coffee maker working and never worry if you left the iron heater or hair strengthener on
  • Trouble saving saves the trouble of having to plug and unplug your electric appliances a great assistant to the mobility impaired
  • On Off Schedules and Timers devices should work for you whenever you want them to turn onoff your devices based on specific times you set
  • Note Press and hold for 5 seconds until the Wi Fi LED blinks amber and green alternately to initiate the App Config process
  • Power saving eliminate wasteful standby power and prevent overcharging and overheating save on your electric bills and extend product life

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