Ends in 04h 50m 14s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $39.99 FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . I have purchased two of these and both have broken after very light use... Not a quality product, unfortunately. Love it It works but not smoothly and it has very audible squeak. Nice little engine at a very affordable price. I am using it as part of STEM program to introduce mechanisms and thermodynamics. It doesn't work as well as anticipated. Great simple motor. Runs over 2 hrs atop an insulated travel mug. Needs a little loc-ease. Not as great on ice. But fantastic and fun. Well made and a fantastic price. Great toy for our 7-year old daughter as she is learning about simple machines and their components at school: wheel, axle, piston, etc. Very nice engineering and execution of the design. I only wish it were made in the USA, not that I am anti-China, just pro-American. As advertised. Awesome and works perfectly. No complaints whatsoever, very satisfied. I LOVE IT AND USE IT EVERY DAY????
Deal ends Mar 28.
Stirlingtechonline is exclusive distributor and the owner of the brand "SunnyTech"----Please be sure you receive an authentic SunnyTech stirling with SunnyTech logo and only sold by Stirlingtechonline to ensure 1-year 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Low Temperature Stirling Engine Size:90*90*135mm
It is a amazing and fantastic product at this price, it can be a great gift to your families or friends.
It also can be used for teaching purpose.
Many of our customers comes from school,colleague,etc