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Deal ends Aug 08.
BRIGHTEST LANTERN ON AMAZON - You will be pleasant surprised with this lantern from the moment you unbox it, insert the batteries and switch it on. As a small business we are able to deliver superior quality products & customer support than our competitors. You're in safe hands.
MILITARY GRADE MATERIALS - Each of our premium lanterns are hand built with military grade, water resistant plastic - making them extra durable wherever you may be. The lantern is built for both the indoors & outdoors.
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE- Your satisfaction is our guarantee, if you aren't happy with your light for ANY reason, let us know and you get your money back, no questions asked! That is how confident we are that you will LOVE your lantern. You are also backed by a 10 year warranty covering accidental damage and defection.
ADVANCED COLLAPSIBLE DESIGN - Superior design and construction allows our lantern to be SUPER lightweight and compact. Our lantern is EASILY collapsible with a simple push.
SUPER LONG BATTERY LIFE - Built with 30 different individual premium LEDs, our lantern is built for maximum brightness whilst maintaining a super long battery life. The lantern is compatible with rechargeable batteries!