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Deal ends Aug 21.
✔This flexible string of 100 individual LEDs makes a perfect way to decorate for Christmas, Hannukah, Halloween, New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, and parties of any kind!
✔To cultivate a pleasant and romantic atmosphere for your special occasions, this copper light can be hung on the Christmas trees, and be placed in your living room, bedroom, stairways, corridors, yards, gardens and any possible site you can imagine.
✔You can also put this light into your bookshelf, photo frame and window frame to have the effects of magnificent glow. The non-radiation characteristic of the copper light allows all kinds of clothing and fabric, flowers and other furnitures to be perfectly matched and this light can be adopted as the best choice of ornaments in various store window displays.
✔Besides, with 100 individual LEDs, the energy-saving light contributes to the green environment.The bulbs stay cool to the touch and can be used indoors or outdoors.
✔We Offer 1-year satisfactory guarantee! If you received broken or defective lights (For example:few lights didn't work or some bulbs not as much as others brighten), please contact us as soon as possible, we will make free replacement for you.We will try our best to satisfy customers.