• Amazon offers Chalkola Chalk Markers & Metallic Colors - Pack of 16 chalk pens - For Chalkboard, Whiteboard, Window, Labels, Bistro - 6mm Bullet Tip with 8 gram ink for $18.95 $15.00.
  • Ends in 01h 40m 25s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $18.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. bought this product for my sister-in-law, she owns a bookstore and this will be able to help her when she needs to write signs and do arts on her bookstore. Love the colors, but daughter has had a problem with getting some of them off of her chalkboard. They work great and the metallic colors are wonderful. We use these on our blackboard for all our special events happening each week. We also use the markers to write in the name of our arriving guests. Excellent Product! Semi permanent. Take testing the markers out Seriously. Makes vibrant colors. Great for plastic backlit menu signs. Goes on and erases great.. These markers are beautiful colors and write smooth and opaque on my chalkboard fridge. Compared to many other brands, they are easy to remove from non-porous surfaces. Used on my dry erase message board decal. to use is annoying but follow instructions I waited to give my review until after I used and cleaned up the markers multiple times, and I LOVE THEM!!!!
  • Deal ends Mar 29.

  • PACK OF 16 MARKERS - 10 Chalk paint markers + 6 Metallic Markers (With Gold and Silver color) - Only brand to offer all the chalk colours and Metallic markers in one set at same price. Liquid Chalk Markers should be used on NON POROUS SURFACES - Porous Surfaces will absorb ink and leave ghosting. Always test a small hidden area of the surface first. Our markers have water based ink which can be easily erased using a wet wipe cloth.
  • KID SAFE - Use Liquid chalk markers to Design on arts and craft Paper, Non porous Walls, Car windows, Signs, Classroom projects, Books, Blackboard, Scrapbooking, Hand Lettering, stencil ink, watercolor effects - As they are Eco friendly, Non Toxic, Xylene Free, Odor Free
  • BEST Teacher Supplies for Classroom - Teachers are finding newer and more creative ways to teach at preschool, elementary, Kindergarten, middle and high School & childminder have rated Chalkola Marker as their #1 educational supply tool. Make teaching Materials more fun with colors - Be it a math, science, history, music or art class
  • BUY THE PERFECT GIFT - For Him, Her, Kids -> Fun for Entire family - Write & Decorate Birthday Parties, Furniture, Restaurant, Bars, Halloween, 4th of july, Christmas, Fall, Valentines, Wedding, Home, Thanks Giving holiday with these fine tip markers
  • Chalkola wet erase markers are VIBRANT | BRIGHT | BOLD - They can be used on Mason jars, ceramic, DIY projects, leaving personal notes on Mirror & calendar, Chalk board contact paper, tile, Metal, Plastic, Glasses doors, Thank you Card, Glitter Accessories, Cafe menus, pubs, Gym boards, Sewing & tracing patterns on fabric, Mark expiration date on food canisters & Containers, chalkboard labels, Business Folder, Lunch menu, Kitchen, garden, Mega Mugs, Plants & as Dry Markers.

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