Ending today at 9 pm ET, Geekdeal via eBay offers the factory-refurbished MakerBot Replicator Fifth-Generation 3D Printer, model no. MP05825, for $819.95. Apply coupon code "CFLASHMARCH15" and check out with PayPal to cut that to $804.95. With free shipping, that's $10 under last week's mention and the lowest total price we've seen for this printer in any condition. (It's $457 less than the best deal we could find for a new unit, although most major retailers charge $2,560 or more.) It allows you to create professional-quality models with a 100-micron layer-height resolution capability and a 456-cubic inch build volume. Features include a 3.5" full-color LCD, smart extruder, on-board 640x480 camera, WiFi, Ethernet, and USB. A 1-year MakerBot warranty applies.

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