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Deal ends Aug 14.
PREMIUM BUNDLE: America's Number 1 Portable Pencam will blow your mind with its Full HD Video, Audio and 2560 x 1920 Picture Recorder. Also included, is an 8 GB memory card, a card reader as well as extra ink fill. PC/Mac compatible
1920 x 1080p Video Resolution means simply superior visual experience than others on the market today. Imagine the peace of mind knowing your video will be clear. Step aside 720p!
PROFESSIONAL DESIGN: With a covert camera design, no one will suspect a thing. Imagine walking into your office with this gadget knowing you could catch anyone harassing you with proof! Worried about missing a lecture? No problemo, now you can record the audio and relax!
UPGRADED BATTERY: What if the video pen dies at crunch time? SNAP. Customers often rated low battery life as a major problem with some cheap alternatives. We engineered a superior solution to give you over 75 minutes of video recording. Why take a risk!
RISK-FREE: 1-Year Warranty + 40-day manufacturer money-back guarantee means your spy pen can be returned if you wish, no questions asked. 100% satisfaction guaranteed! That's why our customers say - Customer Service is a lost art. Kudos to these folks!