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Deal ends Aug 14.
Auto PIR motion detection for light on/off, only allows the light to be activated on when the ambient light is low or dark and people get closed to it (5-8 meters). Low working voltage, good color saturation.
Energy saving: Just 20% the Power consumption of the traditional incandescent lamp. Only you will notice the difference- in your electricity bill.
Environmental protection: Adopting high quality LED as light source, low heat, no RF interference, no flash, can protect your eyes and brains.
Best Value for Money: Other incandescent and CFL bulbs are cheaper, but burn out a lot faster. Our LED bulb life is over 10 times longer than those fluorescent lamp.
Secure and Reliable: E27 base, safe power interface, easy to install and dismantle, wide application range-home, bedroom, household corridor, veranda, balcony, toilets, exhibition hall, stairs, etc.