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Deal ends Aug 15.
NOVELTY COASTERS: Protects surfaces from table ring marks using creative wooden pallet table coasters. Use as glasses coasters, beer coasters, whiskey coasters, coffee coasters, wine coasters, tea coasters and bar coasters.
DESIGN: Each table coaster pallet is a exact replica of its big version the Euro pallets, downsized 1:10.
THE PACKAGE includes 4 resisted eco-friendly beverage coasters to rest your wine glass, wine bottle, whiskey glass, beer bottle and cocktail. You can even attach 2 coasters for teapot trivet or 4 to act as large hot pan trivet.
SIZE: The pallets have been produced using high-quality compressed fiberboard. Coaster dimensions: 4.7" (12cm) x 3.14" (8cm) x 0.7" (2cm).
FUN AND FUNCTIONAL: Cool, unique and very cute coasters. Perfect as glasses coasters, cup coasters, beer coasters, whiskey coasters, coffee coasters, wine coasters, mug coasters, cup coasters, tea coasters, bar coasters.