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Deal ends Aug 23.
[Qualcomm Certified] The green port is officially licensed and certified to use Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 Technology, speed up to 75% faster than a standard charger.
[Also 2.4Amp for Apple Devices] Charges your Apple and non-QC2.0 devices at up to 5V/2.4A, only faster than your original phone charger.
[30min to Charge from Empty to 70%] For QC2.0 phones, you can get 70% power from empty with 30 minutes, power off is fading away from now.
[QC2.0 Applicable Phones] Google Nexus 6, Samsung Galaxy S6 / S6 Edge / S6 Edge+ / Note 4 / Note Edge / Note 5, Sony Xperia Z3 / Z3 Compact / Z3 Tablet / Z3+ / Z4 / Z4 Tablet and more latest models of LG, HTC, XiaoMi, etc.
[Lifetime Quality Care] BlitzWolf awards 30 days money free back, 18 months warranty and lifetime warmhearted consultancy to assure your long term enjoyment.