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Deal ends Aug 13.
SHREDDED MEMORY FOAM: with 100% shredded memory foam as the fillings of this pillow, you can fluff or reposition the pillow as you sleep and allow for maximum airflow to absorb sweat overnight
BAMBOO FABRIC COVER: eco-friendly with anti-microbial properties, the bamboo fabric cover is hypoallergenic and adds an extra softness to the touch. It breathes naturally, resists moisture buildup to keep your body cool while giving you the healthiest sleeping atmosphere possible
OPTIMAL SUPPORT: the pillow provides an optimal support for all sleeping profiles as it molds into the space of your shoulder gap thus it won¡¯t lose its shape overnight
EXTRA COMFORT: shredded memory foam goes an extra step in keeping you comfortable compared to thick solid foam pad as it lets you form the pillow to your needs even on your back or stomach
MAINTENANCE AND CARE: the outer cover is removable, machine washable and the shredded memory foam may require occasional fluffing so it won¡¯t go flat