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Deal ends Aug 12.
TOP QUALITY - Made from nylon material with hook & loop attachments, these cable wraps are both reusable and durable.
MULTI PURPOSE - Used to tie up speaker cables, guitar cables, TV cables, microphone mic, computer cables, and much more.Ideal for keeping all kinds of cords cables well organized and tidy in place.
SIMPLE TO USE - Organizing cables couldn't be easier. Much better than plastic cable ties and you do not need to trim it. Gather them together, wrap the durable cable wraps around them tightly. The cable wrap opens and closes easily and quickly so you can add or remove cables.
FLEXIBILITY & VERSATILITY - Include an eye hole in the tail allowing the tie to be attached to a cable or hung from a hook. Manage your cables under your desk, in your drawers, at home and in your office perfectly.
SUPER VALUABLE - Each pack includes 50 pieces cable ties in 2 size, including 30 pcs 6" and 20 pcs 8". Satisfaction or get your money back. TOTALLY RISK FREE. Buy with confidence now !!