• Amazon offers KEKU 3D Memory Foam Eye Masks (2 Pack), Breathable Eye Shades Night Blinder - Adjustable Velcro Tape - Ideal for Travel, Rest, Shift Work, Relieve Fatigue - Come with A Velvet Pouch for $12.99 $10.39.
  • Ends in 04h 43m 43s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $12.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Great item for prive Really keeps the light out and comfortable! These are comfortable and really get the job done. I bought the pair so my husband would have one and he refused to even try it. Fell apart after barely 2 months of use. The lining separates from the foam interior, making it itchy and useless. Waste of money. I might have given it only 3-4 stars based on the fact that one of the masks fell apart after about a month (the inside lining came loose and finally came out). I bought three different sets of amazon eye pillows these were the best. Me and the girlfriend love this. I work until 5am, light bothers me...not with this I love this eye mask!!! I've never been able to use one due to it being too tight or it still letting the light in. But this one solves those problems! Given as a gift and they are well liked.
  • Deal ends Mar 28.

  • COMPLETELY BLOCKS OUT ALL LIGHT: Block out sunlight, lamplight or any other unwanted light source. Help you fall asleep quickly.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT & COMFORTABLE CONTOURED DESIGN: Our 3D eye masks have large eye cavities, avoid contact with your eyelids or eyelashes, no pressure on eyes.
  • FULLY ADJUSTABLE: The long velcro strap allows you to adjust until that strap fits perfectly and pleasantly on your face!
  • HIGH QUALITY: Smooth edges and firm joints; Anti-fade, anti-bacterial and anti-mite.

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