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Deal ends Aug 17.
STURDY, DURABLE 3.5 MM CABLE: This auxiliary cable has been proven to be 10X STRONGER than other cables, making it the perfect choice for your connectivity needs. It is universally compatible with all 3.5 mm sources needing an auxiliary cable, such as iPhones, Samsung Devices, iPods, iPads, Tablets, Car and Portable Speakers, DVD Players, Sound boxes, PCs and Laptops.
24K GOLD PLATED INTERFACE, STRONG SHELL AND JACKET: This cable features 24k gold plated connectors that strengthen transmission, resist corrosion and reduce tarnish. It has a top-grade, metal finish chrome shell, that will never fade. The cable's jacket is made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), a mix of polymers, making it a flexible, resistant to extreme temperatures and long lasting cable.
FLAT, TANGLE-FREE CABLE: Our ultra-thin cable combines flexibility, space efficiency and high-density connections, giving you optimum performance and maximum utility benefits. Our cable is also tangle free, which is a distinguishing characteristic from most other cables on the market!
STEP DOWN FEATURE, CONTEMPORARY DESIGN: The beveled, step down design of the plugs ensures a seamless, secure connection, even with bulky phone cases. Our thin, stylish, dual-colored audio cable is available in two attractive color schemes: White & Gray and Red & Black.
BUNDLE INCLUDES (3) BLACK/RED CABLES- 3FT, 6FT, 10FT with LIFETIME WARRANTY: We take pride in the outstanding quality of our auxiliary cables! In the unlikely event you are unsatisfied with our tangle free cables, you can them to us and we will provide you with an all new cable set, no questions asked!