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Deal ends Aug 15.
HIGH QUALITY ALUMINUM BODY - With a beautiful color LCD display, feels strong and sturdy, while being light and small. Conveniently fits in any palm, pocket or a purse for easy access and portability.
TWO ULTRA SENSITIVE MICROPHONES with DYNAMIC NOISE REDUCTION - Means you can enjoy crystal clear recordings even while you're up to 40ft away or to record quiet, discreet conversations.
VOICE ACTIVATED RECORDING - Set it and forget it. The recorder will automatically start recording when sound is detected and you can record in a hidden spy style, or start recording at a specified time.
8GB OF INTERNAL MEMORY - Let's you store up to 700 HOURS of recordings without the need for additional memory cards. Use the huge internal memory capacity to store any other type of data files.
EASILY TRANSFER FILES TO MAC OR PC - Just connect the recorder to your computer using the supplied USB cable and drag the files over to your PC. It is really that simple! ONE YEAR MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY - Buy risk free as we always stand by our products. Promotional price is not guaranteed, so make sure to BUY NOW!