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Deal ends Aug 16.
Featuring Active Noise Cancelling technology, Maximize Noise reduction for gaming and music listening, and Two power 40mm drive deliver crystal clear sounds and deep bass. Over ear noise isolation pads fitted with soft leather ensure a comfortable fit.
Built-in HD microphone, support hands-free Call.noise-canceling microphone for an incredibly accurate and clear listening experience even on the street or shopping mall.
Featuring Fast Charging and Energy Saving technology, 2 hours charging provide up to 12 hours play / talk time. 250 hours standby.
Compatible with most of the Bluetooth enabled device, work with your iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Smartphones, tablets, laptop, desktop , Bluetooth speakers, adapters and more
Easy and fasting Paring, provide superb sound quality and stable signal, with distance up to 35 feet. 1 year warranty and life-time Tech support.