• Amazon offers Amzdeal 18'' BBQ Grill Brush, Triple Head Design, Stainless Steel Bristles, Barbecue Cleansing Brush, Blac for $17.99 $15.29.
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  • With a unique design, this 18" long barbecue brush has three brushes in one, each with its own equivalent stroke. Be prepared to clean every bit of residue with its inovative 360 degree rotator.
  • It is a universal grill brush that can be used with multiple gas grill, charcoal grill, smoker grill, porcelain grill, infrared grill and all other types and makes like Weber grill or Foreman grill.
  • A long and strong handle of 9.8 inches, it will keep you safe from the heat generated by the barbeque grill, at the same time making it easier for you to apply as much pressure as you can.
  • Crafted with stainless steel and a high quality plastic handle, the grill brush will last longer with a guarantee of a durable and effortless usage.
  • Built well and sturdy to make dirty greasy grill cleaning as easy as possible. The brush rinses off easily ready for the next grilling feast.

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