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Deal ends Sep 03.
Our base plates are compatible with LEGO®, Mega Bloks®, Tyco®, PixelBlocks®, KRE-O®, or K'NEX® Bricks. So create with your existing sets on our affordable base plate solution. Strictly Briks is not affiliated with or endorsed by these brands.
Each baseplate can be stacked vertically by using the bonus Briks as spacers. Stacked baseplates let your imagination run wild! Quickly and easily build a tower, office, parking garage, castle, or other structure that stands out from the rest!
Use this base plate set to maximize play space and conveniently organize all kinds of toys, from mini-figures to action figures to toy cars and more. Use your creativity to showcase any of your toys in one easy display.
This set includes 10 stackable lime green plates that measure 6" x 6", along with 80 support Briks.
The full set is backed by our 100% money back satisfaction guarantee. (See additional details in the description below)