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Deal ends Sep 02.
Super Long Working Distance:Wireless range up to 1000 Feet (300m) in open space. Never miss any visitors. Used as paging devices for elderly care and nursing residents.
Easy set-up:Offers a total of 52 chime tones, from the traditional Ding Dong to various well-known melodies, and 4 levels of adjustable sound volume from 25db to 110db, meet the needs
Flashing Light Hint:The transmitter button will flash blue light to add additional alert. It will give an additional alert for the hearing impaired persons.
Easy installation:Push button can be fixed to the door frame with the screws provided, or attached to the wall using double-sided adhesive tapes outlet in your home
IP44 Waterproof Transmitter:The Transmitter is designed with waterproof PCB board. You can install it outside with confident.