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Deal ends Aug 16.
Safe, FDA-approved laser lights.Unique mini lights that projects RG laser light and 3w Mix RGB show fantasy Polar aurora designs.
Cooling system: Intelligent temperature control fan (Critical point 20 ° C ), Projection distance: Laser-Up to 100M (Just play in enough dark environment, other light will affect its effect.
Wireless Remote control Red & Green laser light and 3w Mix RGB LED Mixing effect Lighting Show System. Play Mode: Sound Active, AUTO. Control Mode: Manual, Remote.
The light can be placed on a table to shine straight out/against a wall, or it can be ceiling/track mounted so that you get the best use out of it to have it angled, shining down towards the ground/outward to cover the most area, it can fill a very large room and project to around 300 feet.
Ideal for Family gatherings Party, Karaoke, Dance halls ,Discos , Bars, DJs, Bands, Pubs, Clubs, Roller skating rinks, KTV, Birthday, celebration, Wedding, Festival, Mall, Store, Shop and other appointed place.