• Amazon offers Carlucci Premier Leather Toiletry Bag with Zip Drop Botto for $54.99 $29.74.
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  • Two Large Compartments: This beautify luxurious leather toiletry kit is equipped with two large compartments and artisan stitching. You have your top main compartment for larger items, then there is the second drop-bottom compartment with straps and mesh pocket for other items, such as pill cases, TSA bottles, etc.
  • Rich cowhide leather: Made of top leather cowhide. The second you touch the leather on this toiletry kit, you will know that this is rich leather. The soft, yet strong leather will protect your contents and is water resistant. The zipper pull and 7" carry-handle are also made of the same top leather cowhide.
  • Water resistant lining with carry handle: Fill up your toiletry kit for those longer trips. The double-decker system helps you pack efficiently. Lined with water resistant nylon to protect your items. Strong leather 7" loop carry handle for easy carrying.
  • Protective bottom to protect from dirt or liquids: You travel a lot so you visit a lot of restrooms. Why ruin the beautiful leather? With a protective bottom, you can confidently put your toiletry kit on the sink basin, bathroom floor, or just about anywhere you can think of. Detailed leather color contrasting piping around the kit for additional support framing.
  • Dustbag + Lifetime Warranty: As you can tell, we love our luxurious leather so why ruin it? Every toiletry kit comes with its own soft dust bag to keep your leather toiletry kit clean and clear of any damage while traveling. Now you can safely put your toiletry kit in your luggage and check it in without worrying about spills or scuff marks. Don't forget, you are also covered with the Carlucci 100% lifetime warranty.

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