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Deal ends Aug 15.
Premium Quality- Manufactured with superior grade glass optics and strong aluminum construction for enhanced durabilit, minimizes lens glare, reflection, ghosting and other artifacts. Each fisheye lens has 6 elements 5 groups HD glasses, which is full screen No dark circle
Create Uniquely Dramatic Images-The fisheye lens alterts your field of view to a spectacular 238°,making every shot both dramatic and panoramic. It's the go-to lens for action sports videographers and the lens anyone can use to create uniquely dramatic images
Universal Detachable Clamp Design- It can attach almost all smartphones & tablets, easy and convenient to operate. Turn your mobile device into DSLR camera lens easily, Soft rubber clip will not scratch or damage your mobile device
Storage Case -When you're done shooting, it's a sturdy case that will keep your Apexel Lense secure and in good condition. If you have same series 18mm lens(B01ELG1UBQ), 60mm lens(B018WWD3ZQ), you can screw all storage cases together
Camera Lens Strap-The neck lanyard loops onto the bottom of the storage case , ready for any adventure, which is perfect for phone camera lense. Not to mention, it folds down to an incredibly small size for easy carrying when you're done using it. All the strap you need, none of what you don't