Ends in 04h 05m 19s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $19.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Not as expected. Bent after first use straining pineapples. Love love them. They are what I've been looking for. no comment They strain:) They came on time and they do the job:) Exactly what I wanted. They work like a champ. Love the three sizes. Perfect for just about everything. Love these Nice
Deal ends Mar 23.
THREE CONVENIENT SIZES: In 1-Quart, 2.5-Quart and 4.5-Quart sizes for all your cooking, straining and preparation needs.
DURABLE STAINLESS STEEL: All Stainless Steel construction for maximum durability at an unbeatable price. Sturdy handles and durable mesh make this strainer set a must-have.
STURDY BASE: Footed design facilitates fast, easy drainage for faster preparation, a cleaner rinse, and more efficient cooking. Makes a great alternative to handheld spider strainer.
SUPERIOR DESIGN: Fully-perforated mesh strainer and footed design provide superior drainage with minimal loss. 100% Dishwasher Safe and easy to clean.
DRAIN ANYTHING: This strainer set is great for washing, rinsing or draining pasta, rice, quinoa, grains, fruit, vegetables, berries, canned goods, beans, spaghetti, hamburger, tuna, cooked meats and eggs.