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Deal ends Sep 03.
ALL NATURAL BAMBOO WOOD CUTTING BOARD: Kitchen Active is proud to offer you our premium 13"x10" bamboo wood cutting board with a built in handle.
THE ECO FRIENDLY CUTTING BOARD: Environmentally safe and extremely durable. Our cutting board is made from 100% recyclable bamboo and is a must have for your home kitchen or cooking space.
ANTIBACTERIAL AND EASY TO CLEAN: Naturally antibacterial and antimicrobial. Bamboo is easy to clean with simple soap and water. Do not place in dishwasher.
IDEAL SURFACE FOR FOOD PREP: Bamboo's hard yet porous consistency makes it the perfect surface for slicing fruits, vegetables, meats, chicken, and cheeses. Bamboo's wood fibers ensure you won't dull your expensive knives.
MODERN TWO TONE DESIGN: Our stylish two tone design looks great in any kitchen or cooking space. Made with rock solid design, our bamboo chopping board is harder than maple, oak, wood cutting boards at a fraction of the price.