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Deal ends Sep 06.
High-Capacity:Charge iPhone 4 up to 6 times,Equivalent to 6 iPhone batteries. It is powerful enough to give up to 48 hours of additional talk time.
UItra-Compact:Same power, half size,unmatched reliability.It is slim as a bank card,your best choice for your pocket.
UItra-Light:It adopts the Polymer Battery(the safest battery type so far),20% the size and and 30% the weight of other batteries,no burden for you.
UItra-Thin:Cased in a fresh anodized finish with aluminum alloy from the same manufacturing standard as Apple's products,but also has the same cell with iPhone 6s.
Smart Digital LED:It shows remaining power in digital forma,no guesswork was required.90% of all other power banks never have this feature.