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Deal ends Sep 06.
DIY PREMIUM PAINT KIT: Paint like a professional with this 6-piece Paint Tray Kit that includes plastic tray, 1 1/2" brush, 1" brush, 1/2" brush, 5" foam roller and 2" metal spatula. Brushes and spatula have wooden handles and roller has a comfortable plastic handle.
THREE PAINT BRUSHES: Not only 3 brushes but 3 different sizes to use for your indoor home projects. You get one 1 1/2 inch brush, one 1 inch brush and one 1/2 inch brush.
2 FREE ROLLS OF PAINTER'S TAPE: Ideal for painting work, this Painter's Masking Tape does not cause surface damage, applies quickly and easily and delivers sharp paint lines. Each roll includes 18 yards of tape
FOAM ROLLER: Foam roller perfect for wall painting, furniture painting, arts & crafts, wall corners, baseboard, door/window frames & cabinets Easy to use, easy to clean. Great for enamels, varnishes, stains, latex, oil based paint, and clear finishes.
RECOMMENDED USES: Perfect for painting interior walls in your home. Great for home improvement and home decorating projects. Always good to keep an extra one in the shed or garage.