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Deal ends Aug 19.
Multipurpose Kitchen Shear:One is Kitchen Gadget Herb Scissors,The other is Premium Multi Purpose Function Scissors,Suitable for Kitchen, Culinary, Herbs, Nut Cracker, Bottle Opener, Shears and Much More!
EVERYTHING YOU NEED - Scissors have premium quality blades for cutting, bone cutter, vegetable peeler, slicer, fish scaler, scraper, nut cracker, bottle & jar opener. EASY TO CLEAN - Scissors can come apart and are easy to clean plus come with a FREE holder!
PROFESSIONAL STAINLESS STEEL: Built with Professional Grade Stainless Steel.
Built to perform multiple jobs, ensuring you save time and cook gourmet meals 92% faster.
EASY TO CLEAN: Gone are the days of wasting time in the Kitchen. Our kitchen scissors easily and safely come apart to make cleaning a breeze, so you'll spend more time doing the things you love!