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Deal ends Aug 15.
THE PREMIER WAY TO PROTECT YOUR HANDS- Made of high quality cotton, this heat resistant gloves can proof 932 F high temperature , can effectively protect your hand prevent burns.
OCCASIONS WIDELY USED- Whether it's moving wood around in a campfire, flipping meat on the grill, or removing piping hot pans from the oven, No matter where you are or what you are doing you can stay protected while retaining full dexterity in your hand movements
SUPERB GRIP- Silicone strips for a superb grip, complete confidence and safety. Enjoy great success in the kitchen.The outer layer of glove does not catch fire & does not melt when exposed to an open flame
COMFORTABLE- Lined with comfort inducing cotton on the inside, prevent your hand from getting stuck. Opening jars or anything that required just a little added grip strength is a snap with our raised silicone grips.