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Deal ends Aug 13.
Polished for a Great Look-It's a good product and somewhat of an enhancement over the standard rings.Fast and Easy hung them on your curtain rod and then attached the curtain.
Easy To Install-The top where the roller balls are has a slightly raised place on both sides, so the balls do not roll down to the bottom of the ring.The clasp there pinches open, in the manner of a safety pin - you open it, put your curtain on and re-pinch it closed.
Stainless Steel, NO Rust-These shower curtain rings are 100% pure stainless steel, non-magnetic (type 304) and therefore will last for years without rusting.
SMOOTH GLIDING-These rings are closed, they actually connect together so that it is impossible for the shower curtain to come off, unlike the more popular C-shaped hooks. This means you can pull the curtain as fast as you like and not worry about it falling down.
VALUE PACK & SIZE-Set OF 12 pcs (2.9"X1.5"/69x39mm) - You will get the standard 12 rings in a pack.