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Deal ends Aug 12.
100% SATISFACTION GUARENTEED - If you are not satisfied you can get your money back no questions asked
WATER BASED FORMULA - Our One Five Basics Formula is a proprietary water based solution that is color safe, odorless, non-toxic, non-corrosive, and biodegradable
DOES NOT MASK THE ODOR, IT ELIMINATES IT - Our proprietary salt formula oxidizes odors unlike most odor eliminators that just mask the odor with a fragrance
SAFE TO USE ON ANY AND ALL SURFACES - It's non-toxic non-corrosive formula can be used on any and all surfaces, from your kitchen and bathroom to your vehicle with no residue left behind
GUARANTEED CHILD AND PET SAFE - Whether it's on toys or bedding our chemical free, non-hazardous propellant is a water based formula is safe to use around children and pets