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Deal ends Aug 20.
this is extension cable,it will not change any function of your headphone earphone.so if the remote and mic on your headphone earphone is Compatible with your phone,after you add this extension cable,the remote and mic on your headphone earphone also work well with your phone,if the remote and mic on your headphone earphone is not Compatible with your phone,after you add this extension,the remote and mic on your headphone earphone still can not work with your phone.
jack: 4 pole 3.5mm 1/8 inch male to 4 pole 3.5mm 1/8 inch Female(male jack cover fit the phone on the thicker case)
Compatible with iphone,ipad,ipod, Samsung, OnePlus One, Google Nexus ,sony,LG and so on Android system Smartphone that with 3.5mm jack, Compatible with with all of the headphone earphone with the 3.5mm jack