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Deal ends Sep 01.
TOP QUALITY JEWELRY MAKING TOOL KIT nicely packed in a fine zippered case. The ultimate DIY Jewelry Tool Set with Pliers, Scissor and Pins plus much more. Compact for traveling, your Jewelry Making Tools go everywhere you do.
SUPERB BEAD BOARD just right for laying out beads. Spacious 34" Flocked with measuring guides and built-in compartments. Everything is right where you need it.
BIG BOX OF SILVER JEWELRY FINDINGS - You get 20PCS Alloy Lobster Claw Clasps, 45PCS Iron Ribbon Ends, 40g Brass Jump Rings, 10g Alloy Drop End Pieces. All you need for making fabulous, gorgeous jewelry right NOW!
GIANT 3 PIECE KIT means you can have hours of creative fun designing and making your very own jewelry. When people compliment your jewelry and ask where you bought it - you can say "I made it!"
NO RISK GUARANTEE - Love your Big 3 Piece Jewelry Starter Kit including Tool Kit, Bead Board, and Findings or we will gladly Return You Money in Full.